Call to action:

Protect and restore threatened peatlands, one of the most ecologically diverse and carbon-rich ecosystems on the planet.

Although peatlands comprise only 3 percent of the earth’s land, they make up half of the world’s wetlands and store twice as much carbon as forests. Peatlands occur on every continent, including Antarctica, and people have gathered food, timber, and medicine from them for centuries. They provide essential flood protection and water filtration services for communities. However, they are under severe pressure from industrial activities and the effects of climate change. Many peatlands have been drained for agriculture and development, and others are drying out due to prolonged drought and rising temperatures, causing out-of-control fires. They could release large amounts of greenhouse gases as they further deteriorate and burn, changing from a carbon sink to a carbon source. Peatlands need to be protected, restored, and sustainably managed on a high-priority basis, especially in the tropics.

Local Context:

Canada is home to a quarter of global peatlands, which are a crucial Canadian carbon sink. Peatlands cover 12% of our land area, and are globally important as one of our planet’s largest carbon stores. The deep peat of Ontario’s Hudson Bay Lowlands has developed over thousands of years and is the second largest peatlands complex in the world (over 300,000 sq. km), which is now threatened by mining. Other pressures include agricultural land use and extraction for horticulture and export. Our horticultural peat extraction industry has about the same annual emissions as five gas-fired power plants

Top 5 Actions You Can Take Right Now:

  1. Read - Northern Peatlands in Canada - An infographic story map by Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
  2. Watch - The Power of Peat: Canada’s secret weapon against climate change by Krista Hessey, Global TV (19 min)
  3. Listen - CBC Radio interview with Wildlands League’s Anna Baggio (8 min)
  4. Choose better - Avoid using peat in your home & garden; avoid buying products that contain palm oil
  5. Share - Engage others in conversation about what you’ve learned about peat and what to do about it

Action Items


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Regenerator Stories

Connecting to local people taking action on peatlands.

Jocelyn Molyneux

Jocelyn Molyneux hit a pivotal point early on in her career and knew she wanted to do things differently during the brief time she worked for a large waste management company...

Anna Baggio

Mining claims staked in the Ring of Fire area have risen by 30%. Hear from Anna Baggio of the Wildlands League about what that means for northern Ontario communities.

Jonas Spring

Jonas Spring is the owner and operator of Ecoman, a residential landscaping and gardening practice in Toronto and President of the Landscape Ontario Toronto Chapter.